Sample Schedules,

Dr. Yenn's Actual Surgery Schedule, Sept 2004

"Op reports" and "H&P's" are available per request.  Patient's names have been concealed per HIPAA confidentiality regulations.  click to check calendar


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Sat 09/11/04 9:30am  Hollywood Pres Hospital

1) Jxxxx, Rxxxxx = Emergency Appendectomy, Dr. Yenn assist Dr. Mansour

2) Yxxxx, Pxxxx = Hammer Toe Arthroplasty R 5th , Derotational Skin-plasty


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Th 09/16/04 1:30pm Temple Hospital

Txxx, Wxxxxxxxx = Keller arthroplasty w/ Kwire B/L, Skin Lesion Biopsy R Leg, 2nd Hammer Toe Arthroplasty B/L w/ 0.045 Kwire Fixation


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Th 09/23/04 1:30pm Hollywood Pres Hospital

1) Exxxxx, Jxxx = Achelles Tendon Repair L, & removal foreign body, MRSA

2) Exxx, Lxxxxxx = Hammer Toe Arthroplasty 5th B/L


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Sat 09/25/04 9:30am Temple Hospital

1) Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Dr. Yenn to assist & proctor Dr. T Le: Cheilectomy 2nd & 3rd MPJ Release, Tailor's Bunionectomy, Austin Bunionectomy w/ 4.0 Cancellous Screw Fixation, L foot


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Tue 09/28/04 1:30pm  Hollywood Pres Hosp

1) Axxxxxxx, Axxxxx = McBride Bunionectomy L w/ Extensor Hallucis Longus (EHL) Tendon re-transposition.

2) Wxxxxx, Pxxxx = ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation) L foot (displaced fx 5th metatarsal neck, and 5th met shaft), Synthesis plating.


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Th 09/30/04 1:30pm Hollywood Pres Hosp

1) Fxxxx, Pxxxxx = Austin Bunionectomy R w/ Orthosorb Pin Fixation

2) Lxxxxxx, Kxxxxx = Hammer Toe Arthroplasty 5th B/L


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Sat 10/16/04 9:30am Hollywood Pres Hosp

1) Vxxxx, Txxx = McKeaver Fushion Hallux Varus R, & Austin-Reverdin Bunionectomy L, Dr. T Le to assist Dr. Yenn

2) Dr. Yenn to assist & proctor Dr. T Le case: Bunionectomy and 2nd Hammer Toe Arthroplasty L foot


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Th 10/21/04 1:30pm Hollywood Pres Hosp

1) Txxxxxx, Txxx = Austin Bunionectomy R w/ Syntheses Screw, Tailors Bunionectomy R, Hammer Toe Arthroplasty 2 thru 5 toes

2) Wxxxxxx, Wxxxxx = Skin "Y" Plasty & Tendon "Z" Lengthening with Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Release L 5th Toe

3) Lxxxxx, Bxxxx = ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation) L foot (displaced fx 5th metatarsal shaft,  Synthesis plating & screws.


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A past surgery schedule,

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Dr. Dennis Yenn, DPM Podiatric Surgery

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